Friday, June 22, 2018


The thing that we love the most is ourself.

We love stories about other people and getting to know their story because either we can relate to it or it makes us feel something within ourselves. Something good, something that makes us laugh, comforted, scared, more knowledgable, entitled, depraved....

We love us very so much, we cannot see past our own hunger for ourselves sometimes or even at all.

I could not see past myself as a young adult but how could I have seen my mom? Felt her pain? I was so full of my own ego. How can I get back into the mind of my 20 something self? I want to know what was going on in my head.

I had no relationship with her. I could have, she asked me over to make cookies once, she asked me to go to the mother/daughter mothers day breakfast once. She showed up at my house and asked if we could go antiquing once. She begged me to take her and my dad to her favorite restaraunt once, she asked me to take her to the ballet once.

Not one of those things did I do, not once.

Ridded with the disease of my own selfishness and self centered behavior

I did not see past my own feelings and what I thought I could have, should have had in this life.

I did not see past those things to see that what I did have I didn't deserve.

We do not "deserve" anything.

Entitled, selfish children.

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